Monday, October 28, 2013

Sugar, spice, and a very busy med-school hubby.

It seems like so much has happened since I have last blogged. I will start out with the most exciting news first...the baby updates.

Here she is at 20 weeks, they though she was sucking her thumb here.
Craving: While I still haven't had any crazy strong cravings, the type where I force Tom out of the house at midnight to fetch me something, I have really be craving sweets in general this last week. Most of the time I can't fight the urge to resist but always feel guilty when I divulge and eat unhealthy foods.

Gender guesses: No more guessing here, its a girl!!! The last few ultrasounds she has had  her ankles crossed but this last time she stretched out for just a second and we caught a glimpse of the gender. We are so excited to have a little girl. Tom is a little nervous about having a little girl, already thinking about her dating and things like that. It is so cute to already see him so protective and loving. I get so excited when I see hair bows, think about dressing her up as a princess for Halloween, and teaching her how to cook. It will be so fun to have a little girl!

Symptoms: Really most of my symptoms have subsided, for now. Wahoo! Occasionally I get heartburn, I wonder if she will be more like mom and have lots of hair as a baby. A couple days ago my stomach kept getting rock hard and felt extremely tight. I wasn't in pain at all, just was uncomfortable. After talking to several people I believe they were Braxton Hicks Contractions or something similar. Guess its a good thing that my body is preparing for the great feat it is about to accomplish. Also, feeling kicks regularly. I love feeling those little jabs, just can't wait for Tom to feel them!

Weight Gain: I have gained 4 pounds! My stomach is starting to get a couple stretch-marks, battle scars! My baby bump is starting to become much more apparent, very exciting to see the baby is growing. Baby weighed 11 ounces at our last appointment, can't believe she has so much more to go, I can't even imagine.

Names: Right now Tom and I both like the names Aubrey and Emily, we have lots of time to change our minds though so we will see if they stick.
Forgot to take a picture at the Halloween party but here is my Halloween costume this year. the mirror made the lettering backwards. Do you get the costume? :)

In other news I have started teaching at Cumberland Gap High School. I am teaching 9th grade physical science. The class sizes are very small, my smallest only has 15 students in it, it is awesome! the subject is very fun, even though its not my strongest area. The job is through December and possibly longer. It feels so good to be productive and help students learn in a fun way.

Tom is doing fabulous as always. He has been studying so hard, had nonstop tests lately. Still hard for me to be independent sometimes. Tonight I wanted to do nothing more then cuddle up and watch a movie with my best friend. I go into his office and he is studying so hard. To see him work so hard helps me realize the goal we are both working towards and so I then walk right back out of his office. He is so awesome! Doing really well in school and gaining immense amounts of knowledge. I am so impressed and proud of him, and he even finds time to take the trash out and sometimes make dinner for his working-pregnant wife. I am a very lucky woman.

This coming weekend we are going to North Carolina to see Tom's family. I cannot wait!! It will be so fun to be with everyone, be in a big city, and talk with everyone!