Friday, September 13, 2013

Here Comes Baby Woodson....

Tom and I have wanted to have a baby for a long time now so this post is especially exciting! We found out in July, while staying with Tom's sister, that we were pregnant. Both of us could hardly believe it. The first ultrasound at 7 weeks, when we saw the baby, is when it became more real for both of us. I love our doctor, he is so kind and compassionate. Every time I have gone to see him he does an ultrasound, which I love. Every time we do an ultrasound he says, "Wow! Your baby is SO active, that's good, healthy." Every time we have seen the baby it has been doing flips, waving, kicking and stretching. Tom and I already feel so much love for our baby and are so excited to be parents.

Craving: So far I have generally craved salty things which is weird for me, normally I have the biggest sweet tooth. Specifically I have craved cinnamon (I smell it at random times of the day and have to have it), apples, carrots, cheese its, and corn-dogs (which I try to avoid).

Gender guesses: Tom thinks its a boy. I am 100% sure that I have no idea what it is.

Symptoms:  In the first couple months I was nauseous all the time (but only threw up once, thank heavens), had to go the bathroom every hour, and my breasts were unbelievably sore. Now those symptoms have gone away and I am hungry all the time, tired more often, and lately have been getting really bad headaches. Really my symptoms haven't been all that bad, sometimes it even doesn't seem like I'm pregnant.

Weight Gain: So far I haven't gained any weight but have actually lost about ten pounds. I know the baby is growing though because some of my pants don't fit anymore. I have also bought a couple maternity shirts and LOVE wearing them. Right now I am at the awkward stage where you can't tell if I just have a lot of fat going on or if that is actually my baby bump, so I love the loose maternity shirts that fit well and cover up so to speak.

We go in for another appointment in a week and a half and are hoping we can beg the doctor to take a guess at the baby's gender. Life is great and am so happy to soon be a mommy.

9 Week Ultrasound

12 Week Ultrasound


  1. Rachel! I am SO SO excited for you!!! What a wonderful time of life. Enjoy! Love you! Kathy

  2. I am so happy for you guys! You are going to be such a good, and such a cute mommy! Being a mommy changes everything, but it makes everything better. :)
